Farm/Bare Land, Grassland

10.05 Acres Productive Arable & Grassland Alverley South Yorkshire

For Sale By Informal Tender - Tender Deadline 12 noon on Friday 11 April 2025.

The land, comprising three lots is situated to the east of Springwell Lane, Alverley. Lots 1 and 2 to the north east of the A1(M) and Lot 3 to the south west of it. The City of Doncaster lies approximately 2 miles to the north east.

The land comprises two grass fields (Lots 1 and 2) and a single arable field (Lot 3). There are a modest range of stables within
Lot 1.The land is all classified as being Grade 3.

Guide Price:

Lot 1 (Red)  - £50,000

Lot 2 (Blue) - £15,000

Lot 3 (Green) - £40,000

Whole - £105,000

The land is owned freehold and it is being sold with the benefit of vacant possession on completion.

The land may be viewed at any reasonable time during daylight hours in possession of a set of these particulars.

A copy of the particulars and the tender form are available to download from this page.

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