Farm/Bare Land

28.04 Acres Arable Land Bramley, South Yorks


28.04 Acres (11.35 HECTARES) or thereabouts arable land  available as a whole or in two lots.

The land is situated on the southern edge of Bramley and comprises two single arable fields, both of which are accessed directly from Slacks Lane. The land is classified as Grade 3.

Lot 1 - 1.53 ha (3.78 ac)

Lot 2 - 9.82 ha (24.26 ac)


Basic Payment Scheme

The land has been registered on the Rural Payments Agency Rural Land Register and the current claimant will be retaining the delinked payment going forward, therefore there will be no entitlements nor historical or legacy payments due to the incoming purchaser.

Tenure and Possession

The land is offered for sale freehold, subject to an existing short term Farm Business Tenancy Agreement which is due to expire post Harvest 2023, whereupon vacant possession will be given. Further details are available on request from the Selling Agents.

Early Entry

Early entry on to the land will be permitted following clearance of the 2023 crop by the current tenant, for the prospective Purchaser(s) prior to completion, subject to an exchange of contracts and the payment of a double deposit (20%).


The land may be viewed at any reasonable time during daylight hours in possession of a set of the sale particulars (downloadable from the right hand side of this page)

Method of Sale

The land is offered for sale by Informal Tender. The Vendor does not undertake to accept the highest, or indeed any offer, but best and final offers should be submitted in accordance with the following:-

1. Expressed as a lump sum total (not per acre).

2. Confirm full name and address and contact telephone number of Purchaser(s).

3. Confirm full name and address and contact telephone number of solicitor.

4. Confirm whether the offer is on the basis of cash, conditional upon finance or the sale of other property.

5. Submitted in a sealed envelope marked “Land at Bramley”.

6. The sealed envelope should be marked on the outside with the name(s), address(es) and date(s) of birth of the prospective Purchaser(s). This is the comply with recent changes to AntiMoney Laundering legislation.

7. Submitted not later than 12 noon on Friday 14 July 2023.

Enquire about this property

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