For Sale By Tender
The land is to be for sale by Informal Tender as a single lot, with the closing date for Tenders being
12 noon on Friday 20th August 2021.
Details of the land are set out below, and shown on the attached reference plan in red.
The land is approached by taking the B1230 from Longs Roundabout at Howden towards Gilberdyke/Newport, and turning left after 1 mile onto Long Lane (sign posted Eastrington).
The land will be found on the left after approximately 500 metres, and is marked by our distinctive For Sale boards.
The Land
Consists of two fields being Field No. SE 7229-3346pt 32.54 acres (13.17 HA) and adjoins Long Lane, and Field No. SE 7729-0134 15.42 acres (6.24 HA), which can be accessed via Newfield Lane (marked green on the reference plan) off Long Lane adjoining Home Farm, or across Newfield Lane from Field No. SE 7229-3346pt, and the whole extending in all to 47.96 acres or thereabouts.
The land is classified as Grade 3 on the Land Classification Map for England and Wales.
The cropping for the land for the last 5 years has been as follows:
2021 - Winter Wheat
2020 - Spring Beans
2019 - Winter Wheat
2018 - Oil Seed Rape
2017 - Winter Wheat
The land will be left in stubble after the harvesting of this year's Wheat crop.
Basic Farm Payment
The Basic Farm Payment Entitlements are included in the sale price, and following completion a total of 19.41 HA of Entitlements will be transferred to the Purchaser(or their nominees), so as to enable them to claim the Basic Farm Payment in 2022.
The Purchaser will be required to give an undertaking to comply with Cross Compliance Regulations from the date of completion of the sale to the 31st December 2021.
The 2021 Basic Payment belongs to the current Occupant of the land.
Environmental Stewardship
None of the land to be sold has been included within any Environmental Stewardship Schemes.
Tenant Right
There shall be no Tenant right payable by the Purchaser.
The Purchaser shall have no right to claim for any dilapidations or deductions whatsoever.
Rights Of Way, Easements & Wayleaves
In addition to the access to Field No. SE 7729-3346pt from Long Lane, both fields also have a legal right of
way along Newfield Lane through Home Farm (as marked green on the attached plan). Field No. SE 7729-0134 can also be accessed across Newfield Lane from Field No. SE 7729-3346pt.
The land is sold subject to all rights, rights of way, whether public or private, light, support, drainage, water and electricity supplies and other rights and obligations, easements, quasi-easements and all existing and proposed wayleaves and masts, pylons, stays, cables, drains and water, gas and other pipes whether referred to in these particulars or not.
Method Of Sale
The land is for sale by informal Tender details of the Conditions of Tender and a Tender Form are attached to this brochure. All Tenders should be received at Townend Clegg & Co. Offices at 4 Belgravia, Goole, DN14 5BU in an envelope marked 'Belby Land Tender' by 12 noon on Friday 20th August 2021.