Rural Residential Properties

Woodlands, Moor Lane North, Ravenfield, S65 4LZ

For sale by informal tender - deadline 1st March 2024

Set in a 7.53 acre small holding, the property comprises a detached two bedroom bungalow of part brick and rendered construction under a slate roof known as ‘Woodlands’, in a rural but accessible location offering potential to renovate, redevelop or extend subject to obtaining the necessary planning consents. 

The property is situated off Moor Lane North to the north of the village of Ravenfield, which itself lies approximately five miles north east of the town of Rotherham and in the County of South Yorkshire. Junction 1 of the M18 motorway lies three miles to the south east.

Method of Sale

The property is offered for sale by Informal Tender. The Vendor does not undertake to accept the highest, or indeed any offer, but best and final offers should be submitted in accordance with the following on the tender form:-

1. Expressed as a lump sum total.

2. Confirm full name and address and contact telephone number of Purchaser(s).

3. Confirm full name and address and contact telephone number of solicitor.

4. Confirm whether the offer is on the basis of cash, conditional upon finance or the sale of other property.

5. Submitted in a sealed envelope marked “Woodlands, Moor Lane North, Ravenfield”.

6. The sealed envelope should be marked on the outside with the name(s), address(es) and date(s) of birth of the prospective

Purchaser(s). This is to comply with Anti-Money Laundering legislation.

7. Submitted not later than 12 noon on Friday 01 March 2024.

*Unless Previously Sold*

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