Planning Consultations

North Moor Road, Scotter, Gainsborough

Pre-Planning Consultation

DDM Agriculture are preparing an outline planning application for residential development at North Moor Road, Scotter, Gainsborough.

At this stage the development proposal is for a scheme of up to 42 dwellings.  The indicative plan shows a possible layout, however our planning application will be in outline only at this stage, meaning that it will seek to establish the principle of development and how the site will be accessed. It will not be seeking approval for the exact location, size, layout or style of the homes, or the road pattern within the site. That would need to be the subject of a separate application in the future.

Why this site?

  • There is a need for more homes to be delivered in West Lindsey
  • Scotter is a sustainable settlement that is well served by a range of services
  • The site is not at risk of flooding and is not Green Belt
  • The site is allocated for housing development of 42 dwellings in the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan
  • The traffic generated by the development can be safely accommodated on the road network
  • Our survey work has not identified any issues that would mean the site should not be developed.

We want to hear your comments:

Do you support the proposals?

Are there specific matters you wish to raise?

To submit your comments please complete the form below before 5pm on 12th July 2021.


send an email to

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